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How to adjust left-right audio balance in HitFilm

The balance control can be really useful to enhance your audio and also fix issues with audio playing unbalanced in the left and right audio channels. This can give an unpleasant experience, especially if you’re using headphones.

Adjusting your left-right audio balance is easy in HitFilm!

  1. Go into the Audio folder in the Effects panel
  2. Click on the Balance effect
  3. Drag the Balance effect onto your clip in the timeline. You can now change the direction of the sound by adjusting the Balance slider

Video transcript

If you want to change which speaker your audio is playing from, come over to the Audio folder of the Effects panel. Click and drag the Balance effect onto your clip in the timeline. You can now change the direction of the sound by adjusting the Balance slider.

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Kirstie Tostevin

Kirstie Tostevin

I'm a writer, creator, and positive thinker! Together, we're making the industry more accessible and the world a brighter place through fun content and incredible software! It's a great day to be a creator.
Kirstie Tostevin

Kirstie Tostevin

I'm a writer, creator, and positive thinker! Together, we're making the industry more accessible and the world a brighter place through fun content and incredible software! It's a great day to be a creator.