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Archives: News

HitFilm logo on blue background

HitFilm 2023.2 Release notes

Released 27th July 2023. The update introduces a faster launch, improved text tools, color picker, enhanced stability, bug fixes, and better render glitch handling in the export queue.
HitFilm logo on blue background

HitFilm 2023.1 Release notes

Released 5th April 2023. This update brings a requested improved color picker, a solid background option for text and usability improvements.
HitFilm logo on blue background

HitFilm 2022.4 Full release notes

Released 15th December 2022. This update adds some popular new features including ProRes export for Windows, and new shapes in the Vector Stroke effect.
Imerge logo on purple background

Imerge 2022.3 Full release notes

Summary This update adds new gradient color options throughout existing effects and features, new warping effects, and a handful of impactful quality-of-life improvements, such as
HitFilm logo on blue background

HitFilm 2022.3 Full release notes

Released 9th November 2022. This update focuses on improving your user experience. We’ve improved the UX, expanded our media support for .glb animated models and GoPro footage, and improved rendering.
HitFilm logo on blue background

HitFilm 2022.2 Full release notes

Released 30th September 2022. This release focuses on quality of life improvements. The watermark is now applied based on export size, not on project or timeline size. This allows users to create large projects and downscale them on export, without a watermark. Several improvements to create and work with vertical videos have also been implemented, including a new workspace, new project templates, and new export templates.