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Filmmaking 101: Fundamentals of Filmmaking

Filmmaking 101: Fundamentals of Filmmaking

Learn the fundamentals of filmmaking. We'll share our top tips for creating compelling short films that will leave your audience on the edge of their seats.

By Tom Cowles


Tom Cowles

Tom Cowles

Since making sketches and short films on YouTube at 15, I now specialize in producing digital content and tutorials. Combining a range of skills, from pre to post-production, I'll reveal to you the true power of the dark side!

So you want to create a great short film? From pre-production and planning to post-production and editing, in this Filmmaking 101 masterclass, we’ll cover all the fundamentals of filmmaking, sharing our top tips for creating a compelling short film that will leave your audience on the edge of their seats.

Prepping for your film shoot

Sometimes a shoot requires traveling from location to location to have the right scenes to bring your film to life. In this video, Tom’s going to take you through some helpful tips to ensure that you’re ready for life on the road, as, with every adventure, there are some hurdles to overcome.

The art of basic camera psychology

Camera shot psychology is a fundamental part of filmmaking, and no filmmaking 101 masterclass would be complete without it. In this tutorial, we’ll be taking a look at how it can be utilized to leave your audience mesmerized; as with any great scene, a lot of thought needs to be had to ensure your audience can follow the tone of the scene and respond in a fitting way

Things to look out for when starting out

Getting started in video production can be very daunting – but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ve put together some great tips to help you know what to look for when you’re starting out.

Optimizing your shoot for VFX

Optimizing your shots for the post-production work may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re setting up the scene, but preparing for your visual effects can be incredibly helpful, not just for the look of the shot but also for whoever is doing the effects! In this tutorial, we’re delving into the VFX Supervisor’s role and looking at the in-camera techniques that can be used for flawless production.

How to shoot videos alone

Filming a video without help can be tricky, especially if you’re the person who is supposed to be in front of the camera. However, Javert has a couple of tips and tricks up his sleeves to make things easier before you hit record. Learn more about solo filmmaking here.

Capturing cinematic darkness

Filming a dramatic, dark scene comes with some challenges – nobody wants a grainy noisy image to take away from the action. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through how to light your scene correctly and color grade it in post-production to achieve that perfect, dark, cinematic look.

Helpful video editing techniques

Now that you’ve shot your footage, it’s time to piece your clips together. Add some flair to your project with these professional editing tips and techniques from Tom.

Stabilizing shaky footage

Need a quick fix for stabilizing shaky footage? Join Jamie from Film Empire for the final installment in this Filmmaking 101 masterclass. Follow along as he shows you how to stabilize your shaky handheld footage with HitFilm’s tracking features. It’s all about those finishing touches!

Creating seamless transitions

Transitions allow you to get from point A to B in a flash; they can also be used to spice things up, setting the mood and pace of your scenes. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to stand out from the crowd with some high-quality, unique, and creative transitions.

More resources for aspiring filmmakers

Filmmaking 101: Fundamentals of Filmmaking

Don’t forget to download HitFilm Express for free and get started on your filmmaking journey today, and go subscribe to the official FXhome YouTube channel for weekly filmmaking-related content. Best of luck, visual storytellers!

Tom Cowles

Tom Cowles

Since making sketches and short films on YouTube at 15, I now specialize in producing digital content and tutorials. Combining a range of skills, from pre to post-production, I'll reveal to you the true power of the dark side!

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