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Heads Up

Heads Up – Iron Man VFX

Suit up for battle with your very own version of the iconic Iron Man heads-up display.

By Kirstie Tostevin


Kirstie Tostevin

Kirstie Tostevin

I'm a writer, creator, and positive thinker! Together, we're making the industry more accessible and the world a brighter place through fun content and incredible software! It's a great day to be a creator.

Learn how to create your very own Iron Man heads-up-display

We’ve all dreamed of owning our very own Iron Man suit. Well now, you can make that dream a reality (kind of). In this VFX masterclass, we’ll show you how to create the iron man heads-up-display with VFX tutorials and free project files. This time, you are Iron Man.

Download free VFX and video editing software HitFilm to get started:

Using facial tracking to animate your UI

In the first tutorial in this Iron Man heads-up-display tutorial series, we show you how you can use free VFX software to be the next Iron Man. Visual effects is easier than it seems, and it helps to have free software on your side!

Making your Iron Man heads-up-display look 3D

Want to make something quick and easy? No problem. Want to dig in and make something that’ll really turn some heads? You can do that, too.

In this tutorial, we reveal how you can design your own futuristic UI visuals from scratch. We’re even giving away all of our Iron Man HUD elements free to download.

Shooting and lighting your footage

Need backup? That’s our department. We show you new filmmaking techniques, every week. Find out how to plan, how to shoot, how to edit.

Great visual effects start with the script and the shoot. That’s why we focus as much on practical filmmaking as digital tricks.

Filming the HUD required very specific lighting and framing. It’s the invisible details that make shots come to life. Check it out in our behind-the-scenes video.

Take it to the next level with repulsor boots

A high-tech HUD isn’t any use without an Iron Man suit to go with it! Watch our Assemble VFX masterclass to learn how to create the Iron Man repulsor boots effect with a copy of HitFilm and a box of scraps (In a cave!)

Unlike Tony Stark, you’ll need access to a computer for this one…

Kirstie Tostevin

Kirstie Tostevin

I'm a writer, creator, and positive thinker! Together, we're making the industry more accessible and the world a brighter place through fun content and incredible software! It's a great day to be a creator.

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